Cross-posting this from the Visual Studio forum, since it hasn't gotten a response in 24 hours. Hopefully I can get some attention here.
Whenever I try to run on an iPhone, Visual Studio hangs for a minute or two, then all builds succeed but I get this message in the Debug output:
Launching Application for debugging...
There was an unhandled exception trying to deploy and run your application.
Failed to start debug proxy on the Mac
I've been getting by for a while using the iOS Simulator and Xamarin Studio, but that won't cut it anymore. There is a bug on the simulator that we're trying to work around, and Xamarin Studio doesn't support all of the new C# 6 features my app is using.
My build host is an iMac with OSX, and my Windows machine is a Parallels virtual machine with Windows 8.1. This issue occurs in both Visual Studio 2013 and 2015, in every solution I have ever attempted to run, including a brand-new Xamarin.Forms project.
Does anyone know what might be causing this problem or how to fix it?