Im trying to make a page using xaml but I having some problems. I want it to have a buttom fixed at the top and a button fixed at the bottom and a scrollview in the middle where I can scroll between a lot of labels. How can I do that. Here is the code that I wrote:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<StackLayout >
<Button Text="Login" Clicked="OnButtonLoginClicked" />
<ScrollView Orientation = "Vertical" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand">
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand">
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="hola" />
<Label Text="chau" />
<Button Text="Login" Clicked="OnButtonLoginClicked" />