Has anybody managed to implement lazy loading of data into ListViews or StackLayouts (I tend to use the latter) for use on all Xamarin.Forms platforms (inc. Windows and WinPhone)?
Whilst the data sets I expect to be handling are unlikely to be huge, they are large enough that populating an entire ListView or StackLayout up front is slow enough that users will complain.
If there are any libraries, components etc. that implement this, or if you have done it and can share how, I’d be very interested to know.
My thinking (which I haven't tested yet) is that using MVVM, I could create an initial StackLayout showing data from a collection containing enough items to fill a typical device screen, then away from the UI thread add extra records to the data collection, but always (until the whole data set is loaded) keeping one at the end of the collection which basically says there are more to come, in case the user scrolls to the bottom of the view before the data collection is fully populated. Does that make sense?
Many thanks,
John H.