Hi everyone,
I'm using Xamarin.Forms and MVVMLight for an Mobile application.
I've got a ViewModel which contains a collection of ObservableObject.
I'm not using a listview because i can't for business purpose. I was wondering if it's possible through NotifyPropertyChanged or something to Notify my ViewModel when i'm setting a Value on one of the ObservableObject.
I tryied to handle the CollectionChangedEvent but it's only raised when i delete / add an item in the collection. I'm not moving any item in the collection, just modify them.
Here is a sample code for what i'm trying to do :
public class MyCollectionItem : ObservableObject
public string Value
get { return _value; }
set { Set(() => Value, ref _value, value); }
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
private ObservableCollection<MyCollectionItem> _myCollection;
public ObservableCollection<MyCollectionItem> MyCollection
get { return _myCollection; }
set { Set(() => MyCollection, ref _myCollection, value); }
public MyViewModel()
MyCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyCollectionItem>();
// Getting items and fill collection
public class MyPage : ContentPage
private MyViewModel ViewModel;
public MyPage()
BindingContext = ViewModel = new MyViewModel();
StackLayout container = new StackLayout();
foreach(var item in ViewModel.MyCollection)
var entry = new Entry();
entry.BindingContext = item;
entry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "Value");
The idea here is i'm adding an entry in the Page for each item in the ViewModel collection. When i set a text in the entry, i want the MyCollectionItem to notify the ViewModel that his Value property changed.
I've got a working solution at the moment, using message with MvvmLight Messenger system, but i don't know if it's the right way to do it. (I send a message to the ViewModel when the Set() method on the Value property succeeded).
Thanks !