So I'm trying to test if I can make the Next button on my keyboard go to the next Entry.
My Done, Next, and Previous buttons on the keyboard were made using Custom Renderer for iOS. Here's the code that I used:
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using CustomRendererKeyboard;
using CustomRendererKeyboard.iOS;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using System.Drawing;
[assembly:ExportRenderer(typeof(MyEntry), typeof(MyEntryRenderer))]
namespace CustomRendererKeyboard.iOS
public class MyEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> args)
base.OnElementChanged (args);
UIToolbar toolBar = new UIToolbar (new RectangleF (0.0f, 0.0f, this.Frame.Size.Width, 44.0f));
toolBar.Translucent = true;
toolBar.Items = new UIBarButtonItem[] {
new UIBarButtonItem("Prev", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, delegate {
//How to make cursor go to previous Entry??
new UIBarButtonItem("Next", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, delegate {
//How to make cursor go to next Entry??
new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.FlexibleSpace),
new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Done, delegate {
this.Control.InputAccessoryView = toolBar;
So my problem is, how can I access the Entry in my xaml because it seems that if I add a custom renderer for my controls, Xamarin won't allow me to add an x:Name to my entry. I get an " Error: Error executing task XamlG: Can't load types from xmlns clr-namespace:CustomRendererKeyboard;assembly=CustomRendererKeyboard (CustomRendererKeyboard)"
Is there a way to access something like NextEntry.Focus(); but inside a custom renderer? I would appreciate some insights. Thank you!