I've having problems refreshing my info Window on iOS google maps, I always see the information of the previous marker.
I'm using a renderer where I do all the changes I need.
I'm using Google Maps component 1.9.1.
After searching on internet I believe what im watching is a Screenshot taken with the previous cached information?
But i don't seem to have access to this screenshot on the renderer's infoWindow
the marker seems to have the correct information and I can animate the camera to its position correctly.
private MapView myMapView;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<GMapView> e)
myMapView.MarkerInfoWindow = new GMSInfoFor(markerInfoWindow);
UIView markerInfoWindow(UIView view, Marker marker)
View infoWindow = googleMap.InfoWindow;
var renderer = RendererFactory.GetRenderer(infoWindow);
var layoutWidth = FeaturesController.ScreenSize.Bounds.Width * 0.9;
var layoutHeight = FeaturesController.ScreenSize.Bounds.Height * 0.39;
renderer.NativeView.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, (nfloat)layoutWidth, (nfloat)layoutHeight);
renderer.NativeView.BackgroundColor = Color.White.ToUIColor();
return renderer.NativeView;
How can I refresh the info Window?