Hey guys,
I'm making a Xamarin.Forms app that will stream video from a m3u8 feed. I've created a custom renderer in iOS and everything is working as expected there. I'm having some issues with Android. I've tried a few different implementations but I get the same result: a black screen with video player controls. The video appears to start playing, but I do not get any sound or images. If I fast forward the player locks up and I get an alert that says the video could not be played. I've hooked into the error event on VideoView but most of it's properties are null or random numbers (like -38 for message). I have my renderer code pasted below, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
[assembly:ExportRenderer(typeof(VideoPlayerPage), typeof(VideoPlayerRenderer))]
namespace MobileViewer.Droid.Features.Video
public class VideoPlayerRenderer : PageRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Page> e)
var activity = Context as Activity;
VideoView videoview = activity.FindViewById<VideoView>(Resource.Id.videoPlayer_vwVideo);
videoview.SetMediaController(new MediaController(Context));
videoview.Prepared += (sender, preparedE) => videoview.Start();