Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has issues with the linker in Xamarin 4.
My project was working fine in Xamarin 3, but since the update the linkskip command it seems that is not working.
This is my configuration of the linker in the Xamarin.iOS project:
And this is the error I'm getting every time I want to archive the release version for distribution:
Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.CollectionBase.System.Collections.IList.get_Item (Int32 index) <0x17acd10 + 0x0008b> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameReferenceCollection.get_Item (Int32 index) <0x5bafd8 + 0x0001e> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.ReflectionReader.GetExportedTypeScope (MetadataToken scope) <0x5c5268 + 0x0004f> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.ReflectionReader.VisitExternTypeCollection (Mono.Cecil.ExternTypeCollection externs) <0x5c4e78 + 0x001bf> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AggressiveReflectionReader.ReadExternTypes () <0x5c4d58 + 0x00027> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AggressiveReflectionReader.VisitTypeDefinitionCollection (Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinitionCollection types) <0x5b9de0 + 0x00083> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.ReflectionReader.VisitModuleDefinition (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition mod) <0x5b9db8 + 0x0001f> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.StructureReader.TerminateAssemblyDefinition (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition asm) <0x5b9c18 + 0x00081> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.Accept (IReflectionStructureVisitor visitor) <0x4f4bb0 + 0x00050> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly (Mono.Cecil.Binary.ImageReader irv, Boolean manifestOnly) <0x4f4430 + 0x000a7> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly (Mono.Cecil.Binary.ImageReader reader) <0x4f4400 + 0x0001b> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly (System.String file) <0x4e9a98 + 0x0001b> in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.CilStripper.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x4e7ed8 + 0x00063> in <filename unknown>:0
MTOUCH: error MT6002: Could not strip assembly `/Users/ramonesteban78/Projects/Bravent/201511/Legalitas/VoluntadLegal.iOS/obj/iPhone/Release/mtouch-cache/64/Build/System.Runtime.dll`.
Task "MTouch" execution -- FAILED
Done building target "_CompileToNative" in project "/Users/ramonesteban78/Projects/Bravent/201511/Legalitas/VoluntadLegal.iOS/VoluntadLegal.iOS.csproj".-- FAILED
Done building project "/Users/ramonesteban78/Projects/Bravent/201511/Legalitas/VoluntadLegal.iOS/VoluntadLegal.iOS.csproj".-- FAILED
Thanks in advance