Hi all,
I'm currently exploring using ARKit (iOS) and ARCore (Android) in a Xamarin.Forms project. Since Augmented Reality is platform-dependent and doesn't appear to be exposed in the Forms API yet (unless I'm mistaken), I've opted to implement a platform-specific page renderer for the page I want to leverage AR functionality. Using PageRenderers, I am able to easily present the platform-specific view. However, after finishing platform-dependent work on this new view, I would like a button on screen to return to a new view that is shared by both platforms.
i.e - FormsPage1 > FormsPage2 > PlatformPage > FormsPage3
[assembly:ExportRenderer(typeof(ARSandbox.Views.ARSandboxPage), typeof(ARSandbox.iOS.ARSandboxPageRenderer))]
namespace ARSandbox.iOS
public class ARSandboxPageRenderer : PageRenderer, IARSCNViewDelegate
/* Lots of neat AR Code for iOS */
FinishedButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>
// TODO: return to a new Xamarin.Forms page
Whats the best way to achieve this? I am using Prism.Forms and an MVVM pattern if it helps