Hi All,
I'm am learning Xamarin.Forms and have been at it for just over a week now, and i should just say that these are my first steps into app development using Xamarin.
I want to write a cross platform app so I can release on Android as well as iOS, but I'd also like to use the Xamarin.iOS local notification system. I dont even know if Android has such a thing, but if it does, I'd like to use that too.
I found this guide on how to do this (for iOS) using Xamarin.iOS and even got the example working on my PC/MacBookPro combination using Visual Studio 2017 on my PC, and must say the code looks a little alien to me, and doesn't reflect the Xamarin.Forms way of doing things at all.
Is there a simple way of re-engineering an example (this one in particular) from Xamarin.iOS to Xamarin.Forms?
Also Are there any good guides out there on how to replicate this for Android using Xamarin.Forms?
The guide I followed is shown below, and is a https link... (The link may or may not work, Apparently I'm too green to post links yet)