This the Entry Field which the user will input the data.
<StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Padding="16,13,16,9">
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="10,0">
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnTapVINRecognizer"/>
<local:CustomLabel x:Name="VINLabel" Text="VIN" TextColor="#3680a4" Style="{StaticResource AccordTitleStyle}"/>
<Image x:Name="VINImage" Source="arrow_down.png"/>
<StackLayout x:Name="VINAccordion" IsVisible="True" Padding="0,5,0,16" Spacing="10">
<StackLayout Spacing="0" Orientation="Horizontal">
<local:CustomEntry x:Name="VINText" Placeholder="17 CHARACTERS" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"/>
<local:CustomLabel Style="{StaticResource AccordLabelStyle}">
If the motor has a VIN, enter the VIN. A VIN is the 17 character identifier recorded on most vehicles built after 1998
<local:CustomButton Clicked="OnClickSearchBtn" ClassId="vin"/>
I would like to capture every time the text changes cuz I will query the local db to check if there's a data matches from what the user inputted and then display the result below the field. How am I gonna do it in xaml?
Thanks for the suggestions and help.