I am having the strangest issue using Xamarin.Forms. I have a simple listview with items source binded to ObservableRangeCollection property on page model.
In listview item, a label should only be visible when item is tapped. I achieve this by binding this label IsVisible property to IsSelected bool property in item source object.
Anyway, when listview is loaded, and I tap on one of the items, everything works as expected. I can tap on several items, and each one will be properly updated. But when I scroll down to the items that were not on screen and tap on one of those, nothing happens. Then when I scroll again (up or down), so that the tapped item is no longer on screen, and then scroll back so that the tapped item returns on screen, item is updated.
This is only happening on android, on iOS it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?