I don't know why, but binding is still elusive to me to learn.
I need to navigate between tabs using buttons inside of the pages, so I though that the best way to do it is to create a variable in my ViewModel, and bind the "currentPage" tab property to it.
Ok, the problem is... I don't know how to make the binding.
I looked about three hours on the Internet, and the best approach that I saw was to create a BindableTabbedPage, but I think it was too much for what I need to do.
For the record, this is my TabbedPage:
```public class NewReceiptDocFilterTabbedPage : TabbedPage
private NewReceiptDocFilterViewModel filterViewModel;
private NewReceiptDocFilterFilterPage filterPage;
private NewReceiptDocFilterSelectionPage selectionPage;
//private NewReceiptDocFilterAddedPage addedPage;
public NewReceiptDocFilterTabbedPage (INavigation mainNavigation)
filterViewModel = new NewReceiptDocFilterViewModel() { Navigation = mainNavigation };
filterPage = new NewReceiptDocFilterFilterPage() { BindingContext = filterViewModel, Title = TextResources.NewReceipt_TabFilter } ;
selectionPage = new NewReceiptDocFilterSelectionPage() { BindingContext = filterViewModel, Title = TextResources.NewReceipt_TabSelection };
CurrentPage.SetBinding(TabbedPage.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding("selectedTab", source: filterViewModel)); //the binding should be here, right?
And this is my variable inside the ViewModel:
private int _selectedTab; public int selectedTab { get { return _selectedTab; } set { _selectedTab = value; OnPropertyChanged(() => selectedTab); } }
Sorry for so noob question, but I can't get it working, and I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a small piece of information that I can't find.
Thank you.