Hi guys, I have a problem that maybe many of you faced but even after browsing the web and this forum I couldn't fix it...
I have a TabbedPage that contains 2 children, a ContentPage (Page1) and a NavigationPage that embedded another ContentPage (Page2)
What I want is to be able to navigate inside Page2 and keeping my Tabbar on every page. For now I'm able to push/pop in Page2 but all the subpages doesn't have the tabbar. Only Page 1 and 2 has it.
I found that I had to embedded my MainPage in a NavigationPage in my App.cs
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());
but even with these it doesn't change anything and when I remove it, I have a PushAsync is not supported globally on Android, please use a NavigationPage
on both iOS and Android.
So I just don't know where do I have to put my NavigationPage(s) now.
I try to do things exactly like in this exemple
https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples/tree/master/Navigation/TabbedPageWithNavigationPage but they are not using MVVM so it's kind of "easier" for them and it doesn't really help me.
For the navigation, I created a service that create a page from the viewModel and use the Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation
to push and pop.
If anyone can help...