I am getting the following error in my app:
"Master and Detail must be set before adding MasterDetailPage to a container"
This only happens when I build the app with "Use LLVM Optimizing Compiler" checked AND I select the supported architectures as armeabi; armeabi-v7a; arm64-v8a
If I do not support arm64-v8a the application builds and runs without any errors. (i.e. it is compiling and running as a 32bit app), or if I support 64 bit apps and turn "Use LLVM Optimizing Compiler" off, the app builds and runs without any errors.
So it looks like the 64 bit libraries are slightly different to the 32 bit libraries in that the 64 bit libraries have some extra requirement or are more picky in how Master and Detail pages are constructed.
I have seen some suggested fixes such as ensuring the XAML page has a title and setting the line:
Detail = new MenuPage(this);
However neither of these have fixed the crash as yet.
Does anyone have any hints on where to look to fix this? (Ok... I know I am not providing much to go on, but just asking...)